Iranian perception predicates revisited

Evidence from Hazaragi


  • Miriam Butt University of Konstanz
  • Saira Bano University of Konstanz


Iranian, Hazaragi, lexical semantics, linking, mapping, complex predicates, case, experiencer predicates, perception verbs


Taking the recent work by Asudeh & Rad (2023) on Persian predicates of perception as a point of departure, we investigate predicates of perception in the under-researched Iranian language Hazaragi. We show that the proposed existing classification for Persian predicates of perception is not adequate in light of data from Hazaragi and propose an alternative analysis for predicates of perception
formed via N-V combinations. This analysis sees most of the N-V combinations as metaphorical and idiomatic uses, but some as instances of N-V complex predications, which we analyze via the event-based linking approach we have previously formulated for Urdu/Hindi N-V predicates of perception (Butt et al. 2023).

